Books by Marirose

What I Write

“Even the smallest person can change the course of history.”
– J.R.R. Tolkien

I write both adult and ya fiction with a focus on strong female characters, self-identity, and overcoming emotional trauma. I believe that women, children, and animals make for the most capable, compelling heroes. My style is hopeful, humorous, and heartfelt, while my subject matter straddles the line between light and darkness.

Current Query
Status: Revising

I am seeking representation for my domestic suspense/women’s fiction manuscript, The Year Our Lives Ended & Began...

Looking for Critique Partners?

I run an online fiction writing workshop group for creatives interested in improving their craft, receiving constructive feedback, or simply writing for its own sake.

We meet online to walk through writing exercises and review submissions. All levels are encouraged to participate. Whether or not you believe your work to be publishable, this group will take you seriously, and your submissions will always be handled with respect and privacy.

Apply on Facebook

Writer Marirose Smith Portrait

About Marirose
Writer & Editor

As a writer, black belt, and full-time mom (of human and fur kids), self-discipline and balance are as equally important to me as whimsy and wit. I’m an Enneagram 4, meaning I work best with highly-motivated team members who value self-reflection and empathy and share my passions— storytelling and lyrical prose.

As for my professional background, I’ve been published in the award-winning Red Cedar Log and have self-published on Kindle (KDP). I have experience in both editing (former line editor at Red Adept Publishing) and digital marketing.

I graduated with my bachelor’s from Michigan State University in professional writing, specializing in digital and technical writing, where I also minored in Japanese. I have visited Japan twice, and readers will notice many references to Japanese art and culture in my fiction.